A Little About Me

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As a child, I had family members that owned small, local businesses. Whether it's a Radio Shack, or a tire store, or a hardware store. "Downtown" is where you went for what you needed. You went to the shoe store for footwear, the jewelry store for jewelry, watches, trinkets, etc, you got your food at the grocery store, screws and nails at the hardware store, and so on. Nowadays, that's all but gone, replaced by all the "big-box-[insert-type-here]" mega-marts.

I've worked for small businesses all my adult life. From a true-to-the-art coppersmith to framing houses for small home builders. I also once owned a small construction company building custom homes at the peak of the housing bubble in the early 2000's. At each of those jobs, I always tried to incorporate technology the help smooth out as many bumps and wrinkles as possible to free up valuable time and resources. Often leading to the ability to get more done without having to bring on extra help, or using technology as a sort of force-multiplier by extending what can get done along with extra help. So I get it...